Source code for item.historical

import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache

import pandas as pd
import pycountry
import yaml

from item.common import paths
from item.historical.scripts import T000, T001, T003, T004, T009
from item.historical.scripts.util.managers.dataframe import ColumnName
from item.remote import OpenKAPSARC, get_sdmx

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: List of data processing Jupyter/IPython notebooks.
    # Converted to a submodule, below.
    # 'T000',
    # 'T001',
    # "T003",

#: Submodules usable with :func:`process`.
    0: T000,
    1: T001,
    3: T003,
    4: T004,
    9: T009,

#: Path for output from :func:`process`.
OUTPUT_PATH = paths["data"] / "historical" / "output"

#: Non-ISO names appearing in 1 or more data sets. These are used in
#: :meth:`iso_and_region` to replace names before they are looked up using
#: :mod:`pycountry`.
    "Montenegro, Republic of": "Montenegro",
    "Bosnia-Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
    "Korea": "Korea, Republic of",
    "Serbia, Republic of": "Serbia",
    "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": "North Macedonia",

#: Map from ISO 3166 alpha-3 code to region name.
# Populate the map from the regions.yaml file
with open(paths["data"] / "model" / "regions.yaml") as file:
    for region_name, info in yaml.safe_load(file).items():
        REGION.update({c: region_name for c in info["countries"]})

with open(paths["data"] / "historical" / "sources.yaml") as f:
    #: The current version of the file is always accessible at
    SOURCES = yaml.safe_load(f)

[docs]def cache_results(id_str, df): """Write *df* to :data:`.OUTPUT_PATH` in two file formats. The files written are: - :file:`{id_str}-clean.csv`, in long or 'programming-friendly' format, i.e. with a a 'Year' column. - :file:`{id_str}-clean-wide.csv`, in wide or 'user-friendly' format, with one column per year. """ OUTPUT_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Long format ('programming friendly view') path = OUTPUT_PATH / f"{id_str}-clean.csv" df.to_csv(path, index=False)"Write {path}") # Pivot to wide format ('user friendly view') # Columns for wide format columns = [col.value for col in ColumnName if col != ColumnName.VALUE] duplicates = df.duplicated(subset=columns, keep=False) if duplicates.any(): log.warning("Processing produced non-unique keys; no -wide output")"(Use log level DEBUG for details)") log.debug(df[duplicates]) return # Write wide format path = OUTPUT_PATH / f"{id_str}-clean-wide.csv" # - Set all columns but 'Value' as the index → pd.Series with MultiIndex. # - 'Unstack' the 'Year' dimension to columns, i.e. wide format. # - Return the index to columns in the dataframe. # - Write to file. df.set_index(columns).unstack(ColumnName.YEAR.value).reset_index().to_csv( path, index=False )"Write {path}")
[docs]def fetch_source(id, use_cache=True): """Fetch data from source *id*. The remote data is fetched using the API for the particular source. A network connection is required. Parameters ---------- use_cache : bool, optional If given, use a cached local file, if available. No check of cache validity is performed. """ # Retrieve source information from sources.yaml id = source_str(id) source_info = deepcopy(SOURCES[id]) # Path for cached data. NB OpenKAPSARC does its own caching cache_path = paths["historical input"] / f"{id}.csv" if use_cache and cache_path.exists():"From cache at {cache_path}") return cache_path # Information for fetching the data fetch_info = source_info["fetch"] remote_type = fetch_info.pop("type") if remote_type.lower() == "sdmx": # Use SDMX to retrieve the data result = get_sdmx(**fetch_info) elif remote_type.lower() == "openkapsarc": # Retrieve data using the OpenKAPSARC API ok_api = OpenKAPSARC(api_key=os.environ.get("OK_API_KEY", None)) result = ok_api.table(**fetch_info) else: raise ValueError(remote_type) # Cache the results result.to_csv(cache_path, index=False) return cache_path
[docs]def input_file(id: int): """Return the path to a cached, raw input data file for data source *id*. CSV files are located in the 'historical input' data path. If more than one file has a name beginning with “T{id}”, the last sorted file is returned. """ # List of all matching files all_files = sorted(paths["historical input"].glob(f"{source_str(id)}*.csv")) # The last file has the most recent timestamp return all_files[-1]
[docs]def process(id): """Process a data set given its *id*. Performs the following common processing steps: 1. Load the data from cache. 2. Load a module defining dataset-specific processing steps. This module is in a file named e.g. :file:``. 3. Call the dataset's (optional) :meth:`check` method. This method receives the input data frame as an argument, and can make one or more assertions to ensure the data is in the expected format. 4. Drop columns in the dataset's (optional) :data:`COLUMNS['drop']` :class:`list`. 5. Call the dataset-specific (required) :meth:`process` method. This method receives the data frame from step (4), and performs any additional processing. 6. Assign ISO 3166 alpha-3 codes and the iTEM region based on a column containing country names; either :data:`COLUMNS['country_name']` or the default, 'Country'. See :meth:`iso_and_region`. 7. Assign common dimensions from the dataset's (optional) :data:`COMMON_DIMS` :class:`dict`. 8. Order columns according to :class:`.ColumnName`. 9. Output data to two files. See :meth:`cache_results`. Parameters ---------- id : int Data source id, as listed in :data:`.MODULES`. E.g. ``0`` imports data from from file :file:`T000.csv`. Returns ------- DataFrame : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Apart from generating :meth:`cache_results`, returns dataset as a DataFrame. """ id_str = source_str(id) # Get the module for this data set dataset_module = MODULES[id] if getattr(dataset_module, "FETCH", False): # Fetch directly from source path = fetch_source(id) else: # Load the data from version stored in the transportenergy/metadata repo # TODO remove this option; always fetch from source or cache path = paths["historical input"] / f"{id_str}_input.csv" # Read the data df = pd.read_csv(path, sep=getattr(dataset_module, "CSV_SEP", ",")) try: # Check that the input data is of the form expected by process() dataset_module.check(df) except AttributeError: # Optional check() function does not exist"No pre-processing checks to perform") except AssertionError as e: # An 'assert' statement in check() failed msg = "Input data is invalid" log.error(f"{msg}: {e}") raise RuntimeError(msg) # Information about columns. If not defined, use defaults. columns = dict(country_name="Country") columns.update(getattr(dataset_module, "COLUMNS", {})) try: # List of column names to drop drop_cols = columns["drop"] except KeyError: # No variable COLUMNS in dataset_module, or no key 'drop'"No columns to drop for {id_str}") else: df.drop(columns=drop_cols, inplace=True)"Drop {len(drop_cols)} extra column(s)") # Call the dataset-specific process() function; returns a modified df df = dataset_module.process(df)"{len(df)} observations") # Assign ISO 3166 alpha-3 codes and iTEM regions from a country name column country_col = columns["country_name"] # Use pandas.Series.apply() to apply the same function to each entry in # the column. Join these to the existing data frame as additional columns. df = df.combine_first(df[country_col].apply(iso_and_region)) # Values to assign across all observations: the dataset ID assign_values = {ColumnName.ID.value: id_str} # Handle any COMMON_DIMS, if defined for dim, value in getattr(dataset_module, "COMMON_DIMS", {}).items(): # Standard name for the column col_name = getattr(ColumnName, dim.upper()).value # Copy the value to be assigned assign_values[col_name] = value # - Assign the values. # - Order the columns in the standard order. df = df.assign(**assign_values).reindex(columns=[ev.value for ev in ColumnName]) # Save the result to cache cache_results(id_str, df) # Return the data for use by other code return df
[docs]@lru_cache() def iso_and_region(name): """Return (ISO 3166 alpha-3 code, iTEM region) for a country *name*. Parameters ---------- name : str Country name. This is looked up in the `pycountry <>`_ 'name', 'official_name', or 'common_name' field. Replacements from :data:`COUNTRY_NAME` are applied. """ # lru_cache() ensures this function call is as fast as a dictionary lookup # after the first time each country name is seen # Maybe map a known, non-standard value to a standard value name = COUNTRY_NAME.get(name, name) # Use pycountry's built-in, case-insensitive lookup on all fields including # name, official_name, and common_name try: alpha_3 = pycountry.countries.lookup(name).alpha_3 except LookupError: alpha_3 = "" # Look up the region, construct a Series, and return return pd.Series( [alpha_3, REGION.get(alpha_3, "N/A")], index=[ColumnName.ISO_CODE.value, ColumnName.ITEM_REGION.value], )
[docs]def source_str(id): """Return the canonical string name (e.g. 'T001') for a data source. Parameters ---------- id : int or str Integer ID of the data source. """ return f"T{id:03}" if isinstance(id, int) else id