Source code for item.structure.sdmx

import logging
from collections import ChainMap
from datetime import datetime
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, cast

import numpy as np
import sdmx.message as msg
import sdmx.model as m
from sdmx import Client

from item.structure import base

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_anno(obj, id):
    """Wrapper around :meth:`AnnotableArtefact.get_annotation`.

    Like :func:`_pop_anno`, but doesn't remove the annotation.
        return eval(obj.get_annotation(id=id).text.localized_default())
    except KeyError:
        return None

def _pop_anno(obj, id):
    """Wrapper around :meth:`AnnotableArtefact.pop_annotation`.

    Inverse of :func:`_annotate`.
        return eval(obj.pop_annotation(id=id).text.localized_default())
    except KeyError:
        return None

def get_cdc():
    """Retrieve the ``CROSS_DOMAIN_CONCEPTS`` from the SDMX Global Registry."""
    msg = Client("SGR").conceptscheme(id)
    return msg.concept_scheme[id]

[docs]@lru_cache() def generate() -> msg.StructureMessage: """Return the SDMX data structures for iTEM data.""" item_agency = base.AS_ITEM.items["iTEM"] sm = msg.StructureMessage(, header=msg.Header(sender=item_agency) ) # Add the AgencyScheme containing iTEM sm.organisation_scheme[] = base.AS_ITEM # Add concept schemes for cs in base.CONCEPT_SCHEMES: sm.concept_scheme[] = cs # Ensure concepts are associated to their parent scheme for item in cs: item.parent = item.parent or cs # Process and add code lists for id, codes in base.CODELISTS.items(): # Create a code list object cl = m.Codelist(id=f"CL_{id}") # Add each code and any children # TODO move this upstream to sdmx1 for c in codes: cl.append(c) cl.extend(c.child) # Add to the message sm.codelist[] = cl # Process and add data structure definitions for dsd in base.DATA_STRUCTURES: prepare_dsd(dsd, sm) # Add to the message sm.structure[] = dsd # Process and add content constraints for cc in base.CONSTRAINTS: # Add the constraint to the message sm.constraint[] = cc # Look up the object that is constrained try: dsd = sm.structure[] except KeyError:"No constraint(s) for {repr(dsd)}") continue # Update the constraint with a reference to the DSD cc.content.add(dsd) # Convert annotations into DataKeySet and CubeRegion objects, associated with # the DSDs dks_from_anno(cc, dsd) cr_from_anno(cc, dsd) # Update the constraint using applicable CubeRegions from GENERAL0, GENERAL1, # etc. merge_general_constraints(cc, dsd, sm) # Add MaintainableArtefact properties to all objects for kind in ( "codelist", "concept_scheme", "constraint", "organisation_scheme", "structure", ): for obj in getattr(sm, kind).values(): obj.maintainer = item_agency obj.version = base.VERSION obj.is_external_reference = False return sm
def merge_dsd( sm: msg.StructureMessage, target: str, others: List[str], fill_value: str = "_Z", ) -> m.DataSet: """`Merge` 2 or more data structure definitions.""" dsd_target = sm.structure[target] # Create a temporary DataSet ds = m.DataSet(structured_by=dsd_target) # Count of keys count = 0 for dsd_id in others: # Retrieve the DSD dsd = sm.structure[dsd_id] # Retrieve a constraint that affects this DSD ccs = [cc for cc in sm.constraint.values() if dsd in cc.content] assert len(ccs) <= 1 cc = ccs[0] if len(ccs) and len(ccs[0].data_content_region) else None # Key for the VARIABLE dimension base_key = m.Key(VARIABLE=dsd_id, described_by=dsd_target.dimensions) # Add KeyValues for other dimensions included in the target but not in this DSD for dim in dsd_target.dimensions: if in base_key.values or in dsd.dimensions: continue base_key[] = dim.local_representation.enumerated[fill_value] # Iterate over the possible keys in `dsd`; add to `k` ds.add_obs( m.Observation(dimension=(base_key + key).order(), value=np.NaN) for key in dsd.iter_keys(constraint=cc) )"{repr(dsd)}: {len(ds.obs) - count} keys") count = len(ds.obs) f"Total keys: {len(ds.obs)}\n" + "\n".join(map(lambda o: repr(o.dimension), ds.obs[:5])) ) return ds def prepare_dsd(dsd: m.DataStructureDefinition, sm: msg.StructureMessage): """Populate data structures within `dsd`.""" # Concepts for each dimension of each DSD dsd_concepts = ChainMap( sm.concept_scheme["TRANSPORT"].items, sm.concept_scheme["MODELING"].items, # Retrieve the CROSS_DOMAIN_CONCEPTS scheme from the SDMX Global Registry get_cdc(), ) try: # Pop an annotation and use it to produce a list of dimension IDs dims = _pop_anno(dsd, "_dimensions").split() except AttributeError: # No dimensions dims = [] # Add common dimensions dims = dims + ["REF_AREA", "TIME_PERIOD"] # Add dimensions to the data structure for order, concept_id in enumerate(dims): # Locate the corresponding concept in one of three concept schemes concept = dsd_concepts.get(concept_id) if concept_id == "VARIABLE": d: m.DimensionComponent = m.MeasureDimension( id="VARIABLE", name="Variable", description="Reference to a concept from CL_TRANSPORT_MEASURES.", local_representation=m.Representation( enumerated=sm.concept_scheme["TRANSPORT_MEASURE"] ), ) elif concept is None: raise KeyError(concept_id) else: # Create the dimension, referring to the concept d = m.Dimension( id=concept_id,, concept_identity=concept, order=order ) try: # The dimension is represented by the corresponding code list, if any d.local_representation = m.Representation( enumerated=sm.codelist[f"CL_{concept_id}"] ) except KeyError: pass # No iTEM codelist for this concept # Append this dimension dsd.dimensions.append(d) # Add a primary measure: either one with ID matching the DSD, or OBS_VALUE as backup concept = dsd_concepts.get( or dsd_concepts.get("OBS_VALUE") assert concept is not None dsd.measures.append( m.PrimaryMeasure(,, concept_identity=concept) ) # Assign order to the dimensions dsd.dimensions.assign_order() def cr_from(info: dict, dsd: m.DataStructureDefinition) -> m.CubeRegion: """Create a :class:`.CubeRegion` from a simple :class:`dict` of `info`.""" cr = m.CubeRegion(included=info.pop("included", True)) for dim_id, values in info.items(): dim = cast(m.Dimension, dsd.dimensions.get(dim_id)) values = values.split() if values[0] == "!": included = False values.pop(0) else: included = True cr.member[dim] = m.MemberSelection( included=included, values_for=dim, values=[m.MemberValue(value=value) for value in values], ) return cr def cr_from_anno(obj: m.ContentConstraint, dsd: m.DataStructureDefinition) -> None: """Convert an annotation on `obj` into a :class:`.CubeRegion` constraint.""" all_info = _pop_anno(obj, "_data_content_region") if all_info is None: return for info in all_info: obj.data_content_region.append(cr_from(info, dsd)) def dks_from_anno(obj: m.ContentConstraint, dsd: m.DataStructureDefinition) -> None: """Convert an annotation on `obj` into a :class:`.DataKeySet` constraint.""" info = _pop_anno(obj, "_data_content_keys") if info is None: return dks = m.DataKeySet(included=True, keys=[]) for dim_id, values in info.items(): dim = dsd.dimensions.get(dim_id) for value in values: dks.keys.append( m.DataKey( key_value={dim: m.ComponentValue(value_for=dim, value=value)}, included=True, ) ) obj.data_content_keys = dks def merge_general_constraints( cc: m.ContentConstraint, dsd: m.DataStructureDefinition, sm: msg.StructureMessage, ) -> None: """Merge general constraints from `sm` into `cc` if relevant to `dsd`.""" for other_cc in filter( lambda obj:"GENERAL"), sm.constraint.values() ): for i, info in enumerate(_get_anno(other_cc, "_data_content_region")): if not (set(info.keys()) - {"included"}) < set( for dim in dsd.dimensions ): continue # log.debug( # f"Extend {repr(cc)} using {repr(other_cc)}.data_content_region[{i}]" # ) cc.data_content_region.append(cr_from(info, dsd))