
This module (item.historical) contains the code that implements the iTEM Open Data project, the broader aims of which are described on the main iTEM website.

See also the Glossary, which gives precise terminology used on this page.

digraph historical_1 { rankdir = "LR" { Upstream [shape=rect] fetch [shape=cds] process [shape=cds] assemble [shape=cds] Cache [shape=rect] upload [shape=cds] Cloud [shape=rect] publish [shape=cds] final [shape=rect label="Published data"] } Upstream -> fetch -> process -> assemble -> Cache -> upload -> Cloud -> publish -> final; fetch -> Cache; process -> Cache; }

High-level flow of historical data

In this diagram, rectangles indicate data “at rest”, and right-arrows indicate operations on data. These steps are described below:


In order to enable Reproducibility, the data may be fetched, or retrieved, from their original online sources every time the code runs. This contributes to quality in multiple ways:

  • Additions to the input data (e.g. for newer time periods, or infill of data gaps) are automatically and quickly incorporated.

  • Changes to the input data are detected, and can be addressed if they impact quality.

Input data is retrieved using code in item.remote, including via SDMX, OpenKAPSARC, and other APIs, according to the source. These are listed in sources.yaml, loaded as SOURCES, from the iTEM metadata repository.

These sources are often not “raw” or primary sources; they can be organizations (e.g. NGOs) that themselves collect, aggregate, and/or harmonize data from sources further upstream (e.g. national statistical bodies). iTEM thus avoids the need to duplicate the work done by sources.


Data is cached, or stored in local files, at multiple points along the data ‘pipeline’. This enables:

  • Debugging,

  • Direct use of the intermediate data, if desired,

  • Performance improvement. For instance, if the same upstream data is requested twice in the same program, it is only fetched over the Internet once; the second time, it is read from cache.

Process (‘clean’)

For each upstream data source, there is a simple Python module that cleans the data and aligns it to the the iTEM data structure. See Input data for a description of these modules.


The input data, now cleaned and converted to a common structure, are combined into a single data set.

This stage can include additional steps, such as:

  • Compute derived quantities.

  • Merge and infill; resolve duplicates (same data key from 2 or more sources).

  • Harmonization and adjustment.

  • Perform Diagnostics.

Upload to cloud

The entire cache—unprocessed upstream/input data; processed/cleaned data; and assembled data—are uploaded to Google Cloud Storage

On our continuous integration infrastructure, this occurs for every build, at every commit of the code. For instance:


Periodically, the iTEM team will manually publish an update of the “official” database. This includes:

  1. Take the latest automatically generated/uploaded cache.

  2. Inspect it for further issues.

  3. Mark the code version used to produce it with a version number.

  4. Publish the assembled data set on Zenodo, with reference to the code version.