
In software development, the term “continuous integration” (CI) refers to a process to check that pieces of code can be ‘integrated’, e.g. built and run together, and that they perform as expected. The process is ‘continuous’ because it is automatically performed for incremental changes in the code, e.g. Git commits. CI enables efficient use of resources (in particular, people’s time) by reducing or eliminating manual work in performing these checks.

This page details how iTEM uses CI practices to enable continuous reproduction and validation, i.e. to reduce manual work in checking the validity of methods, data, and results related to transport data.

GitHub Actions

Every pull request to the transportenergy/database has the following checks run on it. The different checks, or jobs, are described by workflow files:

  • .github/workflows/cq.yaml

  • .github/workflows/pytest.yaml

These files are interpreted by GitHub Actions to set up and control the jobs (follow the link for extensive documentation).

Test suite & diagnostics


This runs the test suite, which is in the files under item/tests/. These are implemented using pytest.

The coverage—details of which statements of the code are executed at least once during the tests, and which are missing—is uploaded to Codecov.

Upload historical database and diagnostics

The Use the command-line interface command item historical diagnostics is run to completely regenerate the historical database and diagnostic calculations based on it. The results are uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, and a link to the index.html is published to the pull request on GitHub.

The file contains the following sections:


One file for each input data set that summarizes the data included in the input data.


The outputs of other diagnostic checks of intermediate or output data.

Input data

A copy of the input data retrieved from each upstream data source at the time of the build.

Code quality

black, flake8, mypy

Check that the Code style has been properly applied.

Sphinx docs

Check that the documentation in doc/ can be built without errors. The documentation on is built separately and hosted by Read The Docs. This check is only to flag potential issues in the build.


Check that the Python package can be built.