Source code for item.historical.scripts.util.managers.dataframe

import os
from enum import Enum

import pandas as pd

[docs]class ColumnName(Enum): """Column names for processed historical data. The order of definition below is the standard order. """ SOURCE = "Source" COUNTRY = "Country" ISO_CODE = "ISO Code" ITEM_REGION = "Region" VARIABLE = "Variable" UNIT = "Unit" SERVICE = "Service" MODE = "Mode" VEHICLE_TYPE = "Vehicle Type" TECHNOLOGY = "Technology" FUEL = "Fuel" VALUE = "Value" YEAR = "Year" ID = "ID"
class DataframeManager: def __init__(self, dataset_id): self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.column_order = [ev.value for ev in ColumnName] self.column_order.pop() # Remove 'ID' from the list def get_dataframe_from_csv_file(self, path_to_file, delimeter=","): if os.path.exists(path_to_file): return pd.read_csv(path_to_file, delimeter) else: return pd.DataFrame({"Empty": []}) def simple_column_insert(self, dataframe, column_name, cell_value, position=0): column_content = [cell_value] * len(dataframe) dataframe.insert(position, column_name, column_content, True) def reorder_columns(self, dataframe): return dataframe.reindex(columns=self.column_order) def rename_column(self, df, current_name, new_name): df.rename(columns={current_name: new_name}, inplace=True) def create_programming_friendly_file(self, dataframe): dataframe[ColumnName.ID.value] = [self.dataset_id] * len(dataframe) filename = "{}_cleaned_PF.csv".format(self.dataset_id) cwd = os.getcwd() path = "{}/{}".format(cwd, filename) dataframe.to_csv(path, index=False) print("> PF File saved at: {}".format(cwd)) def create_user_friendly_file(self, df): # Get the columns to preserve columns_to_preserve = self.column_order.copy() columns_to_preserve.remove(ColumnName.YEAR.value) columns_to_preserve.remove(ColumnName.VALUE.value) # Grouping by country group_by_country = df.groupby(df.Country) # Getting the list of countries list_of_countries = list(group_by_country.groups.keys()) # Saving the dict of all the final dataframes of each country dict_of_final_dataframes_per_country = {} # For each country, perform the following algorithm for country in list_of_countries: # Get the df corresponding to the given country df_country_X = group_by_country.get_group(country) # Get the list of years available for the given year list_of_years_for_country_X = list(set(df_country_X[ColumnName.YEAR.value])) # Group the data of country X by year group_by_year_country_X = df_country_X.groupby( df_country_X[ColumnName.YEAR.value] ) # Create a structure that will hold the dataframes of each year df_per_year_for_country_X = {} # Obtain the dataframe for each year for name, group in group_by_year_country_X: df_per_year_for_country_X[name] = group # Do the necessary processing required in the DF of each year for year in list_of_years_for_country_X: # Obtain the dataframe for country X in year Y df_country_X_in_year_Y = df_per_year_for_country_X[year] # Renaming and droping columns df_country_X_in_year_Y.rename( columns={ColumnName.VALUE.value: year}, inplace=True ) df_country_X_in_year_Y.drop( columns=[ColumnName.YEAR.value], inplace=True ) # Concatenating all the dataframes of a given country into one df list_of_all_df_for_country_X = list(df_per_year_for_country_X.values()) df_concat_all_dfs_for_country_x = pd.concat( list_of_all_df_for_country_X, sort=False, verify_integrity=True, join="outer", ) # Creating the final df for country X by eliminating all NAN final_df_for_country_x = ( df_concat_all_dfs_for_country_x.groupby(columns_to_preserve)[ list_of_years_for_country_X ] .first() .reset_index() ) # Saving the final df of country X in the list of all countries df dict_of_final_dataframes_per_country[country] = final_df_for_country_x # Concatenate all the dataframes of the countries list_df_for_all_countries_final = list( dict_of_final_dataframes_per_country.values() ) df_with_all_countries_data = pd.concat( list_df_for_all_countries_final, sort=False, verify_integrity=True, join="outer", ignore_index=True, ) # Reordering the dataframe columns all_column_names = set(df_with_all_countries_data.keys()) none_year_columns = set(columns_to_preserve) numberic_columns = list(all_column_names - none_year_columns) numberic_columns.sort() order_of_columns = columns_to_preserve + numberic_columns df_with_all_countries_data = df_with_all_countries_data.reindex( columns=order_of_columns ) # Setting the column id for the dataframe df_with_all_countries_data[ColumnName.ID.value] = [self.dataset_id] * len( df_with_all_countries_data ) # Exporting the final dataframe filename = "{}_cleaned_UF.csv".format(self.dataset_id) cwd = os.getcwd() path = "{}/{}".format(cwd, filename) df_with_all_countries_data.to_csv(path, index=False) print("> UF File saved at: {}".format(cwd))